Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
7 summits infographic

This is a project I did for FFunction. I wanted to experiment with photo collage and data visualization. The "bars" of the graph create a picture.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Misteur Valaire: Golden Bombay

If you don't already know Misteur Valaire, well you are in luck, cause you are about to discover a great band from Montreal. The cover of the album was designed by my talented friend Soleil Denault. She is also doing the art direction for their music videos.
Here is a cool one so you can get to know MV:
Misteur Valaire gives its music for free. You can download it on their website.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Unlimited Prepaid Iphone in Canada - trials an errors to get it for cheap
Those who know me know I hate cellphone contracts and swore not to ever get one. I actually never had a cellphone until last April, when I purchased a brand new iphone 3Gs from craigslist and disconnected my home phone. I love the iPhone, but I hate the rip-off plans that comes with it. I do not need a data-plan, I can use wi-fi at home/work, and I surf the web enough already!
Plan A: Prepaid by the minute
My idea was to purchase the Rogers-locked iphone and use a prepaid plan, like here I bought a 30$ crappy cellphone from Petro-Canada, removed the SIM card and put it in my iPhone. I followed the activation process and it went smoothly. Petro-Canada is piggy-backing on Rogers network so there was no problem with my locked phone. I now had a prepaid service, 25 cents/min, 10 cents per outgoing SMS. Call answering, caller ID included. You can top up from your online account, it's well done.
Soon, it costed me more than a freakin plan, (60-70$ the first month I think) Even if I tried calling back my friends with my bf's phone or keep the conversations short, I still needed to talk to clients during the day.
Plan B: SKYPE + Prepaid by the minute
I installed SKYPE on my computer and on my iphone, discovering I still had 10$ worth of credits I must have had purchased 7 years ago. My plan was to use SKYPE OUT (allows you to call people that are not on SKYPE, its 3 cents a minute) to call, and when people would call me I would call them back from SKYPE.
It worked pretty good but did not reduce much of my bill... I think I was at around 40-50$/month, and if somebody important contacted me, I could not say that I would called them back on SKYPE or sometimes I would just forget.
Plan C: Forwarding number to SKYPE + Prepaid by the minute
I was disappointed to learn that SKYPE IN does not exist yet in Canada. In short, it gives you a phone number for your SKYPE, so people without SKYPE can call you anyways. There is a workaround that. I got a phone number from SendMyCall.com that automatically forwards my call to SKYPE. It's only 5$/month. So if someone called that number, it would make both my computer and cellphone SKYPE ring (iphone skype would only ring if I was on a wi-fi spot of course). Moreover, I setup SKYPE so it would forward the call to my iphone Petro-Canada number if I did not answer SKYPE. So it was just like having a home phone (SKYPE) and a cellphone.
This could have been great, but SKYPE's line quality was not always good. Often, I would call someone and they could not hear me, or they would but the line would skip. I would often have to call back from my 25 cents/min number. So in the end, it cost me around 30$/month, but it was a lot of trouble, and my friends complained about how complicated it was (2 numbers, one that you can text and the other not). At that point I was ready to go get Fido City Prepaid for 45$/month, but I learned that even if Rogers and Fido are the same company, you can't use a fido SIM card in a Rogers-locked phone. Crap, I was starting to look on craigslist to sell my 3Gs (which I love) and maybe get a used Fido-locked 3Gs. I also considered purchasing a iPhone 4 at the apple store, because they come unlocked. But it's expensive!!!
Plan D: Chat-r
While shopping at Future shop with my bf, he spotted a new cellphone company kiosk. Knowing how I was struggling for a good deal, he asked me to go talk to the rep. I was excited! Turned out that Chat-r was using Rogers network, and they offered an unlimited talk + unlimited in text + 50 out text + call id, voice mail, call waiting for 35$/month, no contract! The first time my phone would not take the chat-r SIM, but I think the guy forgot to turn off/on my phone.
Chat-r is a ROGERS company that launched 2 weeks ago. Basically they offer the deal their clients are craving, an unlimited prepaid plan for a good price. Their customers probably won't switch, or if they do they'll have to break their contract with Rogers and pay astronomical fees. So it allows for Rogers to snatch customers looking for a good deal. In a way, it's very similar to Fido City. You can call anywhere in Quebec unlimited, but if you get out of Montreal you can't even get the connection (you could if you bought a prepaid card, its just not included in the unlimited and at that point it's 15 cents/min).
Plan A: Prepaid by the minute
My idea was to purchase the Rogers-locked iphone and use a prepaid plan, like here I bought a 30$ crappy cellphone from Petro-Canada, removed the SIM card and put it in my iPhone. I followed the activation process and it went smoothly. Petro-Canada is piggy-backing on Rogers network so there was no problem with my locked phone. I now had a prepaid service, 25 cents/min, 10 cents per outgoing SMS. Call answering, caller ID included. You can top up from your online account, it's well done.
Soon, it costed me more than a freakin plan, (60-70$ the first month I think) Even if I tried calling back my friends with my bf's phone or keep the conversations short, I still needed to talk to clients during the day.
Plan B: SKYPE + Prepaid by the minute
I installed SKYPE on my computer and on my iphone, discovering I still had 10$ worth of credits I must have had purchased 7 years ago. My plan was to use SKYPE OUT (allows you to call people that are not on SKYPE, its 3 cents a minute) to call, and when people would call me I would call them back from SKYPE.
It worked pretty good but did not reduce much of my bill... I think I was at around 40-50$/month, and if somebody important contacted me, I could not say that I would called them back on SKYPE or sometimes I would just forget.
Plan C: Forwarding number to SKYPE + Prepaid by the minute
I was disappointed to learn that SKYPE IN does not exist yet in Canada. In short, it gives you a phone number for your SKYPE, so people without SKYPE can call you anyways. There is a workaround that. I got a phone number from SendMyCall.com that automatically forwards my call to SKYPE. It's only 5$/month. So if someone called that number, it would make both my computer and cellphone SKYPE ring (iphone skype would only ring if I was on a wi-fi spot of course). Moreover, I setup SKYPE so it would forward the call to my iphone Petro-Canada number if I did not answer SKYPE. So it was just like having a home phone (SKYPE) and a cellphone.
This could have been great, but SKYPE's line quality was not always good. Often, I would call someone and they could not hear me, or they would but the line would skip. I would often have to call back from my 25 cents/min number. So in the end, it cost me around 30$/month, but it was a lot of trouble, and my friends complained about how complicated it was (2 numbers, one that you can text and the other not). At that point I was ready to go get Fido City Prepaid for 45$/month, but I learned that even if Rogers and Fido are the same company, you can't use a fido SIM card in a Rogers-locked phone. Crap, I was starting to look on craigslist to sell my 3Gs (which I love) and maybe get a used Fido-locked 3Gs. I also considered purchasing a iPhone 4 at the apple store, because they come unlocked. But it's expensive!!!
Plan D: Chat-r
While shopping at Future shop with my bf, he spotted a new cellphone company kiosk. Knowing how I was struggling for a good deal, he asked me to go talk to the rep. I was excited! Turned out that Chat-r was using Rogers network, and they offered an unlimited talk + unlimited in text + 50 out text + call id, voice mail, call waiting for 35$/month, no contract! The first time my phone would not take the chat-r SIM, but I think the guy forgot to turn off/on my phone.
Chat-r is a ROGERS company that launched 2 weeks ago. Basically they offer the deal their clients are craving, an unlimited prepaid plan for a good price. Their customers probably won't switch, or if they do they'll have to break their contract with Rogers and pay astronomical fees. So it allows for Rogers to snatch customers looking for a good deal. In a way, it's very similar to Fido City. You can call anywhere in Quebec unlimited, but if you get out of Montreal you can't even get the connection (you could if you bought a prepaid card, its just not included in the unlimited and at that point it's 15 cents/min).
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
FULL OF WINES : wine journals

The FULL OF notebooks were my graduate project. Recently, I was approached by Aire Libre to get them produced. You will soon be able to buy them from their online store, but until then you can simply contact Simon info@airelibre.ca
The FULL OF WINE journal is 132 pages. French and english. 29,95$ each.
This journal lets you rate the wines you try, so your impressions will always last. Numerous lists allow you to record wine recommendations and top pairings with different meals or types of cheese. Also: wine gift lists, a world map for your favorite wine regions, colorful note pages and wine and cheese planners.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Expense Visualizer by FFunction

It took us almost two years to get there: following a Canadian federal directive, departments had to publish their travel and hospitality expenses. Scattered amongst more than a hundred websites, VisibleGovernment.ca (a Canadian non-profit organization promoting online tools for government transparency) scraped this data and put it into a database. The result: a 22MB SQL database, which just waited for an online tool to unlock its potential.
Publishing data is a necessary step for a more transparent democracy, but this data also has to be accessible enough so that any citizen can use to better understand what is going on in the government. With other governments publishing financial and budget data, we felt it was time to create a tool that would give better, easier access to the information hidden in big spreadsheets and databases.
The ExpenseVisualizer is an online tool that takes advantage of modern web technologies to provide a visual, interactive window on the Canadian Hospitality & Travel Expenses dataset. Our goal was to create a simple tool that would give citizens the opportunity to look at the numbers, discover interesting facts, trends and patterns... and more importantly, to easily share their findings!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Neuvo Watches
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Rita in the National Post

Rita is doing an installation for FASHION WEEK. Article in the National Post
Festival Mode & Design Montreal: Studio Rita, the Next Big Thing
They also just redid their website. Worth having a look www.ritaritarita.ca
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Mauve Naïf Late Summer Collection: Grosse Face (The Sequel)

My friend Catherine from Mauve Naïf just launched her latest collection. The pieces are a sequel of her previous "Grosse Face" collection, because one should never leave something unfinished.
Three articles are available to the public: The Face tee-shirt, Two Eyes crop top and Totem 2 "There is a banana in your ear" scarf. The others, like the gorgeous "Two Eyes" sheer dress or the tunique are protoypes only. Mauve Naif items can be purchased online via Etsy.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Burj Dubai - At the Top Exhibition

Last fall, I worked with Joanie Cardinal and Sylvain Jacques for GSMPRJCT. We had to do the exhibition corridor at the top of the BURJ KHALIFA DUBAI, the tallest building in the world. Exciting project, it was huge, and printed on glass. The sad thing, nobody ever took a picture of it, so we never got to see it installed and printed! That's the only pic I could find on google, and what a glorious one.
Guess I'll have to go there myself to get a picture!
1:1 T-shirts back in store!

Carry less. These T-shirts are printed with every day items and accessories, the way they're worn. The 2 most popular ones, ray-ban and gun holster are back in stock at Rita's boutique. But quick! They never last too long!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Couch graphics for Surface Jalouse

This is a couch I made for Surface Jalouse. Basically we used the frame of an old couch, upholstered it with fake leather and painted it gold. We printed my design on the leather. Surface Jalouse is a surface design company based in Montreal.
Wallpaper for Salon Officiel
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Nutritional Data Packaging

This is an exercise project we did at FFunction and it got quite a lot of positive press. I had the idea a few months ago and I thought it was such an interesting idea to combine packaging and data visualization because it gives a purpose to the packaging. It's nutritional information while still carrying a powerful branding. I was very excited when TheDieline told me they would publish the work. I think a lot of people got a kick out of the idea. I just wished they would mention FFunction more and not just my name, I was not trying to self-promote. Anyways this is motivating us to make more quick fun projects!
my portfolio
data visualization,
information design,
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Article paru sur Stephane Halmais dans La Presse

"Il s’appelle Rita
Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard est l’un des fondateurs de Rita, un studio montréalais coté dans le milieu, spécialisé en design graphique, d’objets et d’espaces. J’ai rencontré le jeune concepteur québécois, à Milan, la semaine dernière (en passant, je suis finalement arrivée hier soir, tard, au Québec).
Il est inscrit au programme MAS-Luxe ou Master of Advanced Studies en design et industrie du luxe (d’une durée d’un an) offert à l’École cantonale d’art de Lausanne ou ECAL, une institution d’une très grande renommée en design.
Ce programme lancé à l’automne 2008 est dirigé par le Français Augustin Scott de Martinville, un des designers de l’agence Big-Game, qui s’est fait connaître mondialement avec notamment la création de trophées de chasse ou «panaches» de cervidés en kit, composés de pièces en contreplaqué à monter soi-même.
Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard a travaillé sur plusieurs projets en compagnie de différents designers célèbres à l’ECAL. Son prototype exposé à Milan a été créé avec l’aide du fabricant de boîtes à musique traditionnelles Reuge et sous la supervision des frères brésiliens Humberto et Fernando Campana, des stars du design.
«L’idée derrière mon projet Tracks, pour Reuge était de revisiter la boîte à musique traditionnel suisse et de mettre en valeur le mécanisme en laiton qui semble tout droit sorti d’un roman de Jules Verne, explique Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard. Quant au choix du look heavy metal du projet, il soutient le contraste entre ces machines datant du 19e siècle et les musiques plus actuelles choisies: Smoke On the Water, de Deep Purple; Sweet Child O’ Mine, de Guns N’ Roses et Enter Sandman, de Metallica. Le tout teinté d’une pointe d’humour, bien sûr», ajoute-t-il.
Ce prototype à l’esprit parfaitement décalé pique la curiosité et pourrait même être produit en série (très limitée), par Reuge.
«Fait intéressant, sur les 14 étudiants du master, cinq sont québécois. Quatre proviennent de l’Université de Montréal , alors que je viens de l’UQAM», précise Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard.
Selon ce dernier, se «faire voir» pendant le Salon du meuble de Milan, le plus couru dans le monde, est une chance inespérée. «Et une belle opportunité de voir les artisans et producteurs en chair et en os», dit-il."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Le Husky - Chambre Noire
Le Husky || Chambre noire from Dare To Care Records on Vimeo.
Several of my friends worked on this great videoclip. Did you notice the Mauve Naif scarf? On sale online!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
App Magnets
An awesome magnet set from Jailbreak collective. If only they would ship to Canada! Pictures via The Dieline
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